Tips for Traveling with Tobacco

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Hitting the road or the friendly skies this summer? It is the most popular time to travel. So, when heading out on vacation and bringing your tobacco along, make sure you are aware of these tips for an easy trip without hassles!

Flying with Tobacco

Yes, you can fly with tobacco in your carry on or checked in luggage. This also includes pipes and other smoking devices. However, you are not allowed to smoke on any aircraft at any time as well as in any airport. However, there are plenty of designated areas outside the airport for smoking. It is helpful that you are able to fly with your tobacco as you might not always be able to find what you are looking for at your destination. Before heading to the airport, always check on the latest TSA rules and regulations when it comes to flying as well as the rules and regulations at the airport you are flying in and out of.

Driving with Tobacco

Driving with tobacco is a little easier than flying with it. It is still a good idea to pack light and Little Cigars will always be a handy travel buddy. When it comes to packing your tobacco, make sure you are packing it in a convenient place to get in case you need a smoke break on your travels.

Other Helpful Tips

Remember to pack smart! This means packing your tobacco so that it doesn’t open in your luggage or so that it is not easily misplaced. If you are traveling with a pipe, make sure you are extra careful packing this so that you don’t break it. It is also wise to always travel with a lighter or matches, it might be hard to find something to light your pipe with when you want to smoke!