Hiking Around Mt Hood!

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If you’ve never been to Portland before, there’s something truly remarkable about this area. I’m actually surprised I hadn’t mentioned it in any of my earlier postings, but nonetheless, from virtually anywhere in the city there is the snow capped giant of Mt Hood in the distance. Today I had the opportunity to hike some its more merciful trails.

mt hood

Standing at just over eleven-thousand feet, Mt Hood is a visible portion of Portland’s identity. Despite its dormant appearance, its considered an active volcano. The last time this sleepy giant lost its head was hundreds of years ago, but it’s a notion that adds to the eerie beauty of it all.

With such a large mountain, you might imagine there’s no shortage of trails. There’s roughly 1200 miles of hiking trails to utilize on any beautiful morning just outside the sprawl of the city, the forest spanning 189,200 acres. Nearly 10,000 people attempt to climb Mt Hood every year!

If you want to experience the intrinsic native beauty in Oregon, there’s few better places to do so than Mt Hood itself. I was clever enough to wear some layered clothing, making me less susceptible to the frigid air. As a rule of thumb, I choose to never hike alone – especially when it’s a trail I’m not used to. I opted for a fairly moderate path that had plenty of foot traffic on it. Even somewhere this beautiful, you can never be too careful.

It took me a few hours from start to finish, but it was well worth the effort. I’d honestly feel guilty coming here and not taking in all the beautiful environment had to offer. It should be noted that these hikes are generally NOT for the casual enthusiast – believe me, Portland has plenty else to offer in terms of hiking!

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