7 Most Popular Volunteer Travel Programs in the World.

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Volunteering abroad is a great way to experience new cultures, put your skills and knowledge to good use, learn new skills, and most importantly, make a positive impact on people’s lives. It is ideal for anyone as it doesn’t require any special skills or extensive experience.

There are numerous companies doing charity abroad that offer volunteer opportunities for passing travelers. In this post, we’ll take a look at the seven most popular volunteer abroad programs worth considering.

  1. Working with Kids

Working with kids is one of the most popular choices for travolunteers. The program does not only offer a deeply rewarding experience but can also enhance your resume and impress future employees.

Volunteers work in a variety of settings including orphanages, schools, community centers and daycare facilities. The volunteer work may vary depending on individual skills and interests. However, it may include providing attention and affection to children, cleaning, feeding kids, helping with homework and organizing games, sports, and other activities.

  1. Community Building

Community development projects aim to improve the living condition of disadvantaged communities. Volunteers work and live with indigenous people – assisting with local construction projects, helping with agricultural work, caring for livestock and working on art projects. It is important to note that the work varies depending on location, weather condition, and seasonal needs.

These projects promote cross-cultural understanding and offer an amazing opportunity to expand your cultural horizons.

  1. Education

With this volunteer project, you get to teach children, teens or adults in a variety of settings including public schools, orphanages, community centers, shelters for street children and special needs facilities. You may teach independently, team up with other international volunteers or provide support to local teachers. If you need healthcare as well, Day Webster can help.

  1. Public Health Awareness

This program is a great option for those interested in improving public health knowledge. It is also ideal for public health, community development and nursing students looking to complement their academic studies.

Public health awareness programs are designed to raise awareness of health issues. Volunteers help to arrange and deliver on topics such as sexual and reproductive health, personal hygiene and HIV transmission.

  1. Wildlife and Marine Conservation

Wildlife and marine conservation is another popular volunteer abroad program. This conservation project gives you the opportunity to work alongside biologists, environmentalists and other local experts on worthwhile projects.

Volunteer tasks vary greatly from project to project but may include conducting research, collecting data, and educating communities about conservation.

The nice thing about wildlife and marine conservation projects is that they are conducted in some of the most exotic places in the world.

  1. Women Empowerment

Women’s empowerment initiatives aim to support women in society and give them access to equal opportunities such as health care, jobs, and education. Tasks in these projects include creating awareness on Women’s rights, working in centers that rehabilitate trafficking victims and sharing employable skills such as fashion designing, stitching and beautician techniques.

  1. Multi-Country Volunteering

Combination volunteer options are great for volunteers who wish to do more than just a single country program. While they come at a steeper price than standard volunteer programs, they give you exposure to different cultures, perspectives, languages, and cuisines.

If you’re looking for a volunteer opportunity, be sure to choose a program offered by a reputable charity or organization. You may consider volunteering in programs run by charities like Mary’s Meals and Celtic FC Foundation (both are supported by Intelligent Car Leasing).